First-Year Summer Orientation – How to Prepare
Please find a checklist below to help new Eagles and their guests prepare for First-Year June Orientation! If you still have any questions, feel free to contact us at or (540) 654-1061.
Checklist for Students
Before you Arrive:
Register for Orientation at
Explore the Orientation website at
Set up your UMW email account! Having trouble? Contact the IT help desk at or (540) 654-2255
Check your UMW email account every day
Know your NetID and password. You will use your NetID and password for everything!
Review the map/directions to make sure you are parking in the correct location
Follow UMW Orientation on social media @umwnsp
What to Bring:
Comfortable clothing and shoes for Day 1 and Day 2. It’s casual so no need to dress up! It can be pretty hot during June in Virginia, so it may be a good idea to bring an extra change of clothes. You will have some time in the afternoon on Day 1 to change if you would like. (This should include PJs)
Sheets, a blanket, a pillow, a towel, & any toiletries that you might need to feel comfortable (toothbrush, soap, shampoo, deodorant, and any other hygiene products that you might need)
Alarm clock, electronics chargers, an umbrella, and sunscreen – always be prepared!
Your driver’s license or government ID (you’ll need it to get your EagleOne Card) and your health insurance card
Your UMW NetID and password
A good attitude!
Checklist for Guests
Before you Arrive:
Register and pay under the “Guests” tab on your student’s orientation registration
Explore the Orientation website at
Make reservations for overnight accommodations. We only provide overnight accommodations for incoming students. You can learn more about local hotels here.
Review the map/directions to make sure you are parking in the correct location
What to Bring:
Driver’s license or government ID
Comfortable clothing and shoes for Day 1 and Day 2. It’s casual and hot outside so no need to dress up!
Cash for the Parent Reception Cash Bar and/or Money for any UMW gear you would like to pick up while you are here
A good attitude!